Industrial Exposure - Students are compulsory needed to be deputed for industrial exposure in all professional program but in HM it utmost needed for reasonable period of time in “one capsule only “not in 3 spells of 4-5 weeks as suggested in NEP-2020 as entry level, middle level and managerial level exposure. Therefore, IHMs were among first educational Institutions in the country offered 17 weeks comprehensive industrial training.
The model of internship for NEP is excellent but practically it is not feasible for all 3 stakeholders I.e., Students -for arranging travel and accommodation, Industry - to plan and monitor 4 weeks training schedule and Institute to plan and execute multiple training spells.
We expect that hospitality industry should treat students on IT, in professional manner as ‘Young mind and future professionals’ not as unskilled labourers but we also needed to accept that, when they are going for IT, they possess very basic knowledge and skill, thus we can’t expect that hotels will give them any highly skilled work, thus will be used basic level of work and once they prove and supervisors have confidence in trainee, they will get that work suited to them.
Hotels and Institutes need to sit together and develop monitored IT plan so that students get requisite exposure and must not loose interest in Hotels and Restaurants career.
Hotel Industry is also NOW understanding the dignified IT of students by providing good learning atmosphere, good stipend and meals, encouraging work environment. A screenshot of above said point from a luxury hotel is given below.
We also understand that hotels are business thus we can’t expect that they’ll will do mere social service, but need to have bigger heart and give due support to young and future hospitality professionals.
Students on IT need to project themselves as a disciplined keen learner, responsible young professionals and show potential to grow as a sincere Hospitality professional.
In NEP-2020 Hospitality Institutes need to permit industrial training in all hospitality establishments including Hotels, individual Restaurants, retail companies, marketing and revenue organisations, research and survey organisations engaged in Hospitality business and even work with hospitality start-ups for holistic development of students. If students and all concerned stakeholders including institutions, plan and work with aim of rightful exposure of the students without selfishness, then I am sure IT exposure will be an asset in the professional life of students.