YES, our hospitality universe can become greener and more sustainable – Vol 1



My dearest hospitality family,

YES, we can become a Greener industry with very little capital expenditure.  In fact, our simple way of becoming green can save you huge amounts of money in operational expenditure.  YES, the ROI is significant and is short term.  Not only that but we can use this green lifestyle change to market ourselves better and to help Mother Earth as a whole.  

Sustainable practices in the hospitality industry encompass various strategies to reduce environmental impact and promote responsible tourism. Some simple key practices include:

1. Energy Efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems to reduce electricity consumption. 

2. Water Conservation: Installing low-flow faucets and toilets, as well as reusing towels, linens to reduce water usage, monitoring excess water wastage in the kitchen. Also recommend to use locally made Pancha to replace Turkish towels.     


3. Waste Reduction: Reducing single-use plastics, recycling, and composting to minimize waste generation. 

4. Local Sourcing: Sourcing food and products locally to support local economies and reduce carbon emissions from transportation.

5. Green Building Design: Constructing or renovating facilities with sustainable materials and energy-efficient designs.

6. Eco-Friendly Transportation: Promoting eco-friendly transportation options for guests, such as electric vehicle charging stations or bike rentals.

7. Education and Awareness: Educating staff and guests about sustainable practices and encouraging responsible behaviour.

9. Certification Programs: Obtaining certifications like CII IGBC in Energy and Environmental Design) to showcase commitment to sustainability.

10. Renewable Energy: Incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels.

11. Wormy culture: Reduce plant diseases/require less pesticides and promote healthy organic growing in your hotel kitchen operations.

By adopting these practices, the hospitality industry can reduce its environmental footprint while appealing to eco-conscious travellers.

-Mr. Sandeep Talaulicar, Managing Director, Jakson Hospitality

 Operator of India’s first CII IGBC Platinum rated and Net Zero Energy Hotel     

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