YES, our hospitality universe can become greener and more sustainable – Vol 2.



In keeping with the same theme as Vol 1 published in our newsletter last month, I am now splitting the Green and Sustainability practices recommended in our industry into three silos.  Energy, Water and Waste.  Any efforts made in these verticals will take us towards savings in carbon emissions and a cleaner hospitality industry.  Most importantly, it will translate into a reduction in our monthly operative expenses and higher profit margins for you. In addition, marketing and communicating your practices will enhance your guest experience.

We need not change the ‘world’, we only need to change our ‘Sphere of Influence’.  


The hospitality industry can improve energy efficiency through various practices, including:

1. LED Lighting: Replace traditional bulbs with energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce electricity consumption.

2. HVAC Systems: Regular maintenance and programmable thermostats can help optimize heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for energy savings upto 20%.

3. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Use ENERGY STAR-rated appliances in kitchens and guest rooms to save on energy costs.

4. Insulation: Proper insulation in buildings can improve temperature control and reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling.

5. Renewable Energy: Consider solar panels or wind turbines to generate on-site renewable energy.

6. Smart Building Systems: Implement smart technology to control and monitor energy use, such as lighting, temperature, and occupancy.

7. Guest Engagement: Encourage guests to participate in energy-saving practices, like reusing towels and turning off lights when not in use.

8. Training and Awareness: Educate staff on energy-efficient practices and involve them in energy-saving initiatives.

9. Energy Audits: Conduct regular en ergy audits to identify areas for improvement and track energy consumption.

10.  Add motion sensors in corridors to control lighting and key card slot switches to control room lighting.  

-Mr. Sandeep Talaulicar, Managing Director, Jakson Hospitality

Operator of India’s first CII IGBC Platinum rated and Net Zero Energy Hotel    

Version no : Ver 1.2.2